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Melissa Eichenlaub

Certified Consultant

(440) 315-5859

My Story

My Story
A little about me is that I am first and foremost just someone who has come to really enjoy the Scentsy Products in my home and have taken that as more than enough reason to support these products and this company by becoming an Escential Consultant. If we dig a little deeper I will let you know I am a mother to two beautiful (and very active) girls, participating in soccer, volleyball, ballet, and rock climbing, and all of those come with a variety of scents, uniforms, and stains and the ways I have been able to use the various products of Scentsy to combat the constant “bag smell” and other issues have been amazing . ( I mean who hasn’t had their kid leave their cleats in the bag after a soggy soccer game only to be found a week later....oh my). I am a wife, to a wonderful husband who works as a firefighter (which brings its own trials and tribulations...and again, so many smells!). Lastly, I work full time because obviously there is not enough other stuff going on but I also believe in being independent and supporting my family.
I tell you all of this because I have found that there are so many products that Scentsy is able to offer which have become mainstays in my family and mine’s life. They are not only warmers and scented waxes that plug into the wall, we also use the Laundry Fabric Spray, Counter Clean, Dish Soap, and so much more. Even with all of that Scentsy offers Diffusers, Oils, “Unplugged” products that can be placed anywhere in the house, body washes, soaps, scrubs, and all the way to pet shampoo and stuffed “Scentsy Buddies” for the kids.
I look forward to helping all of you find and enjoy all of the products that have been used so effectively in my home and for my family, plus all of the ones that will be perfect for you and yours. If you have any questions please use the Contact button to reach out and ask any questions, or use my email and phone (please text before trying to call) and I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon!

What's warming in my home